Maryam, Did you know…?
"... So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good ..."
-- (Sound of Music)
There comes times in your life when you wonder what have you ever done that made you deserve the greatness of what you are blessed with. Things that come to you, so suddenly, so strong, in moments of doubt and disbelieve, and sweep away your prejudice in a perfect way you had never imagined possible. Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have definitely done something good...!

- Photo from the 2007 AAPT High School Photo Contest
loved it....:)
this post of yours displays the one of the biggest human fear of absence of reason for life being the way it is - good, bad or ugly - doesn't matter, what matters is the reason for it.
And to quote Shakespeare from one of your previous posts
And this our life, exempt from public haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.
Would something being good, without a reason, not be good enough to be called good?
Yeganeh: :)
dheedo: Welcome to my blog! :) Your comment puzzles me! Are you somehow asking whether we have a genuine good or bad, independent of the cause or the circumstances? That is a hard question to answer. I think the answer is both yes and no! Still, interesting question to think about and probably discuss in a separate post!
maryam: my emphasis is not on good or bad or even genuineness of such a thing, but on our never ending search of 'reason' for calling it good or bad i.e. the clarification - justification of why we call anything good or bad..... and if you go one step further, the whole need for categorization of things into good/bad seems worthless... and even more worthless is the search for reason
moreover, if something being good/bad depends on circumstances, cause-effect, and the whole lot of cultural biases, then is there anything like good or bad, or is it just a state of mind in particular moment of space and time!
'''Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have definitely done something good...!''' --- first of all it all depends on your current mood and the repercussions you think came out of something done in childhood. the same thing can appear good and bad different times. and Secondly there is an attempt to attribute possible current happiness/good mood/whatever to something good done in past. To me life appears more of random choices we make at the moment thinking we are doing the RIGHT thing... whatever that RIGHT means at that time.... I sometimes wonder how strange are meaningless (in retrospect) my life with all its action and inaction appears :)
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