What a wanderer could wonder about...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The eccentric behavior of my not really full sized aortic pumps!

My aortic pumps is (are?) behaving very strange lately. As soon as I sit or lie down, it starts crashing itself into my chest and my back. Like it wants to break free of my ribs and fly away. Like this shell doesn't have enough room for it to grow. And this goes on until absolute exhaustion.

Now here is my dilemma: when I am tired I want to sit/lie down to rest and reinforce. But if I do that before the state of absolute exhaustion, my heart starts beating like battle drums to makes sure I will eventually reach that state. I may as well let it break free...!


Jaywalker said...

Must see a doctor!

Samin said...

It as well wants to wander as long as possible :)

bhh said...

I'm so worried about you. Where are u? Are you ok? Please let me know about yourself.

bme said...

@bhh and jaywalker: I'm fine, thank you all. I was just a bit overworked. Things are cooling down now. :)

@Samin: Nice way of looking at it. :)